Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dinner for One and an Idea for the Kitchen

Law school has officially started- orientation at least, which means I am a "single" woman for the next few years. I made and ate dinner by myself tonight, which was actually fun because it was really good and I'm responsible for it. :)

I made Mexican beef and black bean soup out of the Woman's Day September 2010 issue; I could not find a link for the recipe, but it's on page 175. I used chicken instead of beef.

On a different note, I think I found a potential solution for an awkward space we have from our kitchen to dining room. We got a little excited knocking out walls and expanding doorways because the old lay out was really choppy and compartmentalized and we wanted everything to be open.

*Three things: 1. Notice the slightly awkward space from kitchen to dining room.
2. Sorry for the clutter.
3. I have the nosiest dog ever. She's in all my pictures!!!

*Image via Georgia Idea House, Southern Living September 2010.

Transom windows. I like the idea of having something that's typically outside of a home on the inside; it's kind of like the lantern trend that's really big right now. I don't think we could do a double pocket door like the above picture shows, but I'm thinking a single pocket door would be feasible. We shall see.

That's all for now; I have to go take the noxious beast (Luca) for a walk. Have a good night!



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