Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Little Patchwork to Brighten My Day..

I love patchwork fabrics and patterns. My closet contains probably a dozen or so pieces of madras clothing and I LOVE patchwork quilts, so you can only imagine how excited I was to see this little beauty in the window display at Loot in downtown Columbus.

It's made from vintage rugs. What a great way to repurpose rugs that are partially ruined or worn; I liked it so much I wanted to go home and destroy my rugs so that I'd be forced to make them into an ottoman like this. Christopher didn't like the idea... I have no idea why?? :)

Anyway, I went home to do some research and found another similar one (Not patchwork exactly, but still great!) from Jayson Home and Garden.
Lastly, I came across lots of patchwork rugs. I want one! Someday...

Image via Loom Rugs

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