Thursday, September 9, 2010

And I'm Back.....

Wow... what a busy few weeks. Since Christopher started law school I basically have become a full time "housewife" while still working full time. Thank goodness I don't have children or I think I'd be insane.

I've become quite the cook in the last couple weeks. I've made chicken enchiladas...

... and a 4 layer carrot cake for Christopher's 30th birthday. *I packed him a slice in his cooler to eat at school....

I also rearranged my Ikea Lack bookshelf which currently resides in one of our spare bedrooms..

and AFTER:
It's still a work in progress, but I like it a LOT better. I am kicking myself, though, for being a cheap skate and buying more paper than hardbacks. No more of that.

I've also started updating the house for fall. I'll have more pictures later, but I did update our bedding.

*Disclaimer: The light pink wall is from the previous owner. Our master bed/bath are still on our to do list. The bedroom just needs paint and new molding, so hopefully in the next few months the bedroom will be complete.

And lastly, I repainted a wall in our family room to match the color of the wall that it meets up with from our garage entry. I like it much better; I just need to find a big fat piece of artwork for it now.



That's all for now, but I'll have more pictures once I finish my fall decorating extravaganza 2010.


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