Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy February 14th! As I mentioned last week, Mr. Frankel and I don't do much to celebrate Valentine's Day, but I did use it as an excuse to use our china (which I mixed and matched), and our "good" flatware! I'm pretty happy with the overall look; I think the only thing I would do differently is maybe add some fuchsia or eggplant- colored flowers and some orange accents to go with the colors in the salad plate!  

The menu included:
-Filet of Beef
-Steamed Broccoli
-Fudge Brownie 

I love setting tables so much; I'm thinking maybe I should do it more often.... and blog about it. I'm a big dork!!!!! 

Happy Valentine's Day!!!




  1. Looks gorgeous! I posted about my table setting today too

  2. Looks beautiful! Love your salad plates!

  3. No way are you a dork 'cause I love setting tables too. Or maybe that makes us both dorks. Anyway, love your brownie. Precious!

  4. Love this!!! So pretty! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  5. You got your gold bamboo-ware! Yay! Sorry I kept forgetting to get back to you with the name of mine.

    Very pretty salad plates.

  6. The table setting is lovely, and the food looks good too!
