Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rit Dye and Gold Leaf

As I mentioned earlier, it's been a stressful week, and to take my mind off reality I'm keeping myself busy doing little projects. Over the holidays my in-laws sent a lamp home with us. Initially I thought about finding a new lampshade for it and painting the actual lamp. Then I saw Lindsay's post on dying lampshades. That is right up my alley!!! 

image via everythingLEB


I used one bottle of Rit Dye's Golden Yellow. It came out a little runny, so I'm going to dye it one more time. When the lamp is on, it's hardly noticeable though. 

I also painted the base with Gold Leaf. 

I'm not certain this guy (girl ?) will continue residing in the living room, but for now it's fine.  So what are your thoughts on the lamp??? Should I paint the body still?? 

I also purchased my first item from Furbish
I ordered the La Fiorentina tray (one of my favorite fabrics!)
I love it! The bottom was white when it arrived, which is fine, but whenever I get out the Gold Leaf it's a rare occasion that there aren't multiple victims. After I finished the lamp, I decided to paint the bottom of the tray. 

I LOVE how it came out! 

Have you purchased anything from Jamie's shop??? It's hard to resist!! 




  1. What a transformation for your lamp! It looks great - as does your new tray!

  2. I JUST did my lampshade orange the other day too- I have to wait till I'm home to take pictures though. I LOVE yours, it came out sooo great!

    One thing I did that seemed to help alot (although I have never done it before) was to use my hairdryer on it after I rinsed it and mine came out perfect!

    I LOVE the yellow, I'll have to try that color on my next one :)

  3. I bought the his & hers glasses at christmas...but I gave them to my mom. I may have to steal them back!

    I can't believe you dyed the lampshade!!! Can you walk us through how?!? And what do you use when you gold leaf...sheets, liquid? I want to gold leaf the back of my secretary.

  4. Don't you DARE paint the bottom of that lamp...I like that it's white and you can switch out the shade to have it fit in to any room/space!
