Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's In Your Bag Wednesday #5

Good Wednesday Morning, lovelies!!! You know what today is, right?! Today we're taking a peak into Cristi's bag! Have you ever visited Cristi's blog? She's a very talented interior designer in the Atlanta area. Once you've read about her handbag essentials be sure to check out her blog! 

Hi 1551 Transformed Readers! 

It's Cristi here from Charm Home.  I'm loving Kelly's "What's in my Bag" feature.  I'm always so interested to see what everyone carries around with them on a day-to-day basis.  I'm pretty practical when it comes to what I carry.  I totally need to invest in a larger purse because mine is always spilling out.  I'm actually really excited about the diaper bag I'll be carrying around pretty soon.  I'll be able to fit way more inside it. 
So here it goes...
1.  My point and shoot camera.  A very necessary designing/blogging tool.  You never know when a photo op might come about.  Mine usually consist of taking pictures of something for a client or something for the blog.  I keep this point and shoot with me 90% of the time.
2.  My compact umbrella.  Weather can change in an instant and it's always nice to have this little light-weight umbrella handy.
3.  Wallet - no explanation needed.
4.  Hand sanitizer.  I'm not a germaphobe, but I keep this stuff around just in case I feel the need.
5.  My cute little tape measure.  This was a gift from my mom.  It's so cute and so light-weight.  You never know when you might need to take some measurements.
6.  You Don't Know Jaqcues!...My absolute favorite nail polish from OPI.
7.  My company checkbook - no explanation needed
8.  Business cards.  A must have.
9.  Kleenex.  Great for those winter months and for pregnant ladies like me who seem to always have a runny nose.
10.  Purse holder.  This little gizmo is one of the best inventions ever.  Another great gift from my mom.  It hooks my purse perfectly in place under a table when there it can't hang on the back of a chair.
11.  My Droid phone.  I love this phone.  It's the best phone ever!  I don't know what I ever did without it.
12.  Lipglosses and chapstick.
13.  Mints.  I really like the Ice Breakers sours.  Right now I'm sporting the Orangeade flavor.
14.  Brush.  A MUST HAVE.
15.  Random fabric swatches.  These just happen to be the ones for my soon-to-be nursery that I've been working on.  Sometimes they are for clients and sometimes they are just random ones that I pick up. 
That's about it.  There are a few randoms that wind up in there occasionally, but at the moment this is what's in my bag.  Hope you enjoyed getting a little peek inside my daily world.  Thanks for having me Kelly!
