Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Craigslist Goodies

Check out these recent goodies I found on craigslist. I would love to buy all of these pieces and work on them for fun! 

I am itching for a makeover!!! *Don't worry, Christopher, I'm not bringing any more furniture into our home.... right now. 


  1. Amazing!! I would love to get my hands on a couple of those! My Craigslist is so lame!!

  2. I know the feeling, we have two benches sitting in our living room waiting to be reupholstered!

  3. Bummer. I was hoping you would. lol

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  4. Great finds! Any tips for scouring Craigslist? It is always so defeating to me...

  5. I agree with LR! I was going to say that I never find ANYTHING this good (slash, with this much potential) on Craigslist, but maybe I'm just terrible at searching. You should do a post on how you find these beauties!

  6. Thanks for the suggestion on a post!! I'll have to put together a post with what I do (i.e. waste hours online late at night) ;)

  7. Really great finds! Love that headboard. And REALLY love that dresser. If you realllly want a new project, you can refinish the dresser (maybe something daring, like a dark turquoise?) and then just ship it on down to Georgia for me. Mkay? Thaaaanks :)

  8. That first hutch is amazing! I STILL need to do something with mine...it's needing a little TLC!

  9. Whoa, I think it's kismet that you posted your Craigslist Goodies the same day I posted my Home Goodies. Psychic waves perhaps.

    PS - LOVE that headboard.

    PPS - If you lived closer to me, I'd so pay you to redo my bamboo etegere. I don't know when I'll get to it.

  10. Is that headboard similar to the ones you have?
