Tuesday, November 15, 2011

On the road again...

I'm in the process of booking another trip soon. This time I'll be going to Tokyo. I've been in Tokyo for approximately two hours; it was a lovely two hours in the business lounge. Good sushi. I'm excited to leave the airport this time. 

I found some images on pinterest of Tokyo: 

I don't know the population/size of Tokyo compared to Shanghai, but this photo reminds me of Shanghai. Ridiculously big. Slightly intimidating.

I'll be there in early December. From the photos I've found it looks like I won't be missing out on Christmas lights at least! Phew! 

I'll fill you in on the rest of the details soon. I'm really looking forward to this trip! 


  1. Wow! So jealous. I've been dying to go to Tokyo -- well anywhere in Asia. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. SO jealous! I really need to start traveling. I have quite a few places on my things to do before kids list!

  3. How exciting !! I would love to visit Tokyo !


  4. so excited for you!!!! easily one of my favorite trips of all time. ox
