Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekend snippets

Happy Monday! Can I just tell you that I'm exhausted. Last week was insane, and this week doesn't look much better. I just have to make it through Friday though, and then I'm off the entire week. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... 

Over the weekend I: 
...made strange faces at Mr. Frankel. 

...fell in love with a $1300+ clutch. Oops. 

Gave Christopher the, "I wish we were ba-zillionaires" look as I put said clutch back on shelf. 

Ate greasy (and delicious) bar food while Christopher watched some football game. Whatever game it was, it appears to have been an intense one. 

Reunited with Miss Luca Bear. She stayed with her grandparents all week while I attended a conference. Boy, did we miss her! 

I don't think I shared this photo with you last week. This photo epitomizes my family: crazy, chaotic, disheveled. 
Gosh, I love these people. 

In other news: I'm trying to decide on a brooch or two so that I can have Lindsay of Havisham Jewels make a custom necklace for me. Anything jumping out at you? 
*P.S. Photoshop and I don't seem to get along. I have three weeks off between Christmas and New Year's where I WILL figure it out. Any books or websites that you suggest to help me learn? 


  1. Love the bag and all the brooches. As far as a photoshop book I use the WOW photoshop book. Its a little large but you can go in and reference just about anything.

  2. Love that clutch, and all the details of your weekend!

  3. I am loving the amber/brown one and the green one in particular!

    Also, that clutch is to die for. I actually saw a mini-version of it on Kate Spade called the "sparkler Gia" that is kind of similar in that confetti sort of way...

  4. You and your hubby are so cute. I love the orange vest. My fave brooch is the one that is top right.

  5. The best advice I can offer with PS is to just play around and learn it! Pretty much what I did...also, if you have a particular thing in mind that you want to do but don't know how to do it, just Google it. There are a bagillion amazing (and free!) resources out there!!!

  6. You guys are adorable. I really like the brooch on the top right. =)

  7. I love the bottom left and top right brooches. Stunning!

  8. That is one beautiful clutch!! The price? Not so much - yikes!

  9. Oh now I'm in love with that clutch too. So cute. Have fun in Tokyo :)
