Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Holiday Decor

I realized I haven't shared any photos of our Christmas decor yet. Don't worry; there's not much to see. I didn't bring my A-game to decorating this year. I'm not even sure you could say I brought my B-game. I hate being an underachiever, but I've been a busy lady the last few weeks and the halls don't deck themselves, you know. 

Let's just pretend that I opted for classic, edited, and simple decor this year: 

Ornaments in a bowl. Easy. 

More ornaments in another bowl. 

Tea towels. I hung them with care though, or was it the stockings that were hung with care? I suppose it doesn't really matter. 

I'm still really excited for Christmas this year though; don't be fooled by our decorations (or lack thereof). I'm also pleased to report that Luca has only eaten (partially) one ornament this year. My little bear is making progress! 

I hope you're having a merry week! I'm going to work on doing a chalk drawing tomorrow. We'll see.... 

1 comment:

  1. Where did you get your leather couch? My hubs and I are on the hunt for one and yours looks really comfty!
