Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend Snippets: the Maddison edition

Happy Monday! I had such a fun weekend. My family was in town Saturday afternoon. My sister and brother-in-law hadn't seen our new home yet. It was the first time we've had a baby in the house, and although Maddison's mobility doesn't extend passed "tummy time", Christopher and I realized our house is not exactly kid-friendly. 
*Maddison is upset in the bottom right because we were wearing similar outfits. I told her to get used to it; with two stylish women like ourselves, we're bound to dress alike on occasion. 

I usually find Sunday afternoon and evening to be a bit depressing, but yesterday has made me reconsider my impression of Sunday. Between a great workout at the gym, mini cinnamon rolls, homemade fish tacos, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Swedish version), and painting furniture (*stay tuned this week for that one), it was a super-fun Sunday!!!

It's going to be a good week; I can just feel it!!! 


  1. Looks like you had a great weekend. The pols dot cupcakes are adorable...oh so is the kiddo. Ha. Enjoy your week. I need to read it watch the girl with the dragon tattoo because I keep hearing great things.

  2. Sounds like and awesome weekend! I totally know what you mean about Sunday's pms. Usually a bummer because the thought of a full week ahead, but you sound like you made yours very productive/ enjoyable! How was the Swedish version? I've had it on my Netflix instant forever and just have never clicked play.

  3. what a CUTE little nugget she is!

  4. I have been folowing your site for a month or so and decided to join. Your niece is sooo cute.
