Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Message to My Followers...

Ahem (Throat Clearing Sound). Dear Beloved Followers,

This post is dedicated to you. I want to commend you on your brilliant decision. Perhaps you have made poor decisions in your past (Christopher: smearing green paint on the ceiling; Tory: spraying ketchup on Mom in a fit of frustration at our family cookout); those mistakes are behind you now. While there are few guarantees in life, I can assure you of this: You will not regret following my blog. Now that I actually have other humans reading and following I promise to dedicate this blog to your viewing pleasure.

Ok, enough with the sarcasm. Thank you Christopher and Tory for following my blog. Someday I hope to have hundreds of followers, but I'll always cherish the fact that you were my first two supporters!

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