Wednesday, September 22, 2010

When the Wife's Away...

...the dining room table gets destroyed.

Last week I had a dinner for work and didn't get home until a little after 10. I went straight to bed. The next morning, while making coffee, I wandered into the dining room to take a look at my mini-makeover and think about what still needed done. I was imagining sconces flanking our buffet when to my horror I notice this:

I stood there for a moment, frozen and silent, wondering what on earth could have happened. Overzealous cleaning lady? Some sort of dragon clawed his way across the table? Then I unfroze and screamed, "CHRISTOPHER!!!"

"WHAT IS THIS?," I asked. His eyes bulged, seeing the scratches. "Oh, umm... I put Luca on the table last night, but I didn't know she would scratch it."

I then asked how he didn't notice scratch marks like that taking place, to which he replied, "Well, I just put her on the table and walked out of the room. I wanted to see if she would jump from that height." I'm speechless- still. One week later. Oh well, what's done is done. Time to move forward.

Perhaps the silver lining is that now we are forced to refinish our table and chairs, which I wanted to do anyways.

Here are there table and chairs in their current state:

I came across these photos and LOVE the idea of all black chairs:

Unfortunately, I doubt we will be able to fix the scratches or paint and reupholster the set any time soon.

Oh well. That's life I suppose. All I can do is laugh now. I hope my story serves as a lesson: Ladies, if you leave your husband and dog home alone, guard your dining room table carefully!!!



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