Friday, October 1, 2010

Dad's Waiting Room Chairs

My father is a veterinarian (a really good one, in case you were wondering), and last year he remodeled his office. He decided it was time for some new waiting room chairs; the old ones came with the building when he bought it in 1989.

Strangely enough around the same time, I had started painting furniture and really enjoyed it. At the time I had just finished a few pieces and was itching to find some old wooden furniture to work on again. I remembered the waiting room chairs and called my dad to ask if someday I could have them if he ever decided to upgrade. I'm so glad I called when I did because he literally had them ready to go out with the trash that week. I basically have twelve of these chairs via dumpster-diving. Sadly, it's not the first time I've taken furniture from the trash, and I'd venture to say it won't be the last.

Here are the chairs in their original state:

.. and here is the first one I've painted:

I know these chairs are nothing special, but I love them. They remind me of my childhood. In the summers I spent a lot of time at my parents' clinic, and when I see these chairs it brings back lots of memories: the sound of dogs barking, playing in the kennels with other peoples' animals, and the smell of.... :).

Anyways, for this first chair, I sanded it down, primed it, and spray painted it with glossy black paint. If my father-in-law ever reads this and learns that I spray painted furniture I'm sure he'd be horrified, but I really did not feel like going to all that trouble with a small brush for an old chair.

Luca loves this chair too. She thinks it brings out the color of her nose and beard; I have to agree.

This is the bed that's in the room; I painted the headboard over the summer, but I forgot to take any before pictures. It's handed down from Christopher's parents; they bought it when they were first married.

Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately if you don't like the look of them) I still have 11 chairs left to experiment with.

The bedroom still needs new outlets, pictures hung, and a light fixture, but we're making progress!!

Have a great weekend!



1 comment:

  1. I love the chair painted black and love the sentiment of it even more. Lorie and I checked out your blog and will be back. Like your decorating style!!
