Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just Call Me Claude..

...Monet, that is.

For part of my "Survive Christopher's 1st Year of Law School" plan, I'm taking a class at a community college on graphic design. I've always been interested in graphic design; I love to draw on paper but have little knowledge of how to do so digitally. Aside from all the other things I pretend I'm going to be when I grow up, I'd also like to officially add "notecard designer" to the list.

Witness my inspiration/role model here. I stumbled upon this website a few months ago and love, love, LOVE her designs. If you're too lazy to go to the website on your own, I'll tempt you with a few images:

Anyone who knows me well knows that I LOVE to write notes. I am quite certain that if I had these gorgeous notecards I'd be sending out notes daily, even to rotten people. :)

I've made lots of notecards by hand in the past, but seeing these images inspired me so much that I signed up for a class within a week. The class focuses on digital painting using the Corel Art software.

Tonight was the first night I created anything. Here's a sample; don't laugh:

The only frustrating part of this class is that it uses the Wacom board and pens, which means I have to do all my work in the lab during the actual class, and right now I'm not able to spend as much time as I would like learning the program. I guess I could always just send my homework assignments out as notecards... if any of you receive a note from me with a chile pepper on the front you now understand why... ;)



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