Monday, October 25, 2010

Planning a Party...

I can't believe it's the week of Halloween already!!! October has FLEWN by, which is sad to me because it's such a great month! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays; it incorporates so many great things: costumes, pumpkins, "scary" movies (*My definition of "scary" is probably very different from the average person's), and candy!

I haven't actually dressed up since college, but I did wear a tutu skirt last year at a little Halloween party we had at our house. I'm probably a little old to be wearing tutu skirts, but I can promise you they aren't at all inappropriate- just fun.

Back to Halloween-week: I've decided to throw a little gathering together again this Saturday for Halloween so that I can: 1. Watch the Buckeyes game with my family. 2. Decorate the house with cobwebs and painted pumpkins. 3. Have an excuse to wear another tutu.

Speaking of painted pumpkins, Tory and I had a our pumpkin-painting-party yesterday. I'm very happy with our results and will post pictures soon. In the meantime, here are some pictures from last year's party:

Have a great week!



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