Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gallery Hop: November 2010

The first Saturday of every month, the Short North Arts District has what's called a "Gallery Hop"; all the shops and art galleries stay open until midnight. It's a great way to promote all the local businesses and cram as many people into a tiny gallery as possible, and last night with the 30 degree weather, I felt especially "close" with all of my fellow gallery-hoppers.

If you've never been to a gallery hop, here are a few pictures to persuade you because I'm certain my rhetoric (if you can even call it that) was not sufficient enough:

From Loot:
Love the lamp; looks like bamboo!

Initially, I was trying to take a picture of the globe mobile, but that painting is actually really beautiful as well....

Patchwork kilim bench; I've gushed about this guy before....

Now I have no business being in a bridal shop anymore, but how could I resist when they have a tutu out front....

.. and chalkboard paint inside?!?!?
*(Hello Christopher; you look cute in your tweed hat) :)

Feather collars? Yes, please. That is right up my over-the-top alley.

Seriously some of the best jewelry in Columbus....

Ladies and Gentlemen: the Harry Allen Golden Pig has made its way to Columbus. Ridiculously impractical and terribly charming: so of course I want one. The only problem: if that little piggy moves into 1551, this little piggy will be unceremoniously kicked out (that little piggy is $200). SO, after careful consideration, I've decided to find a toy animal (maybe a pig, or maybe a goat, or even an alligator) and spray paint it gold instead. Pretty resourceful, huh? I think so....

Here's one more picture of that beautiful pig that I found on Apartment Therapy:

I could spend hours here... Christopher prefers 10-15 minutes... ;)
Blue and White Japanese Umbrella Stand...

Funky lamps; I've got a few things I'd like to turn into lamps... I'm sensing another project in my future...

I love the chair (after it's recovered) and the sunburst clock; I'll take both, please.

Cattail balls- not for sale, but don't worry, you can find them at FOUND. I know because I went on a mad witch hunt for mine after seeing them here...

Faux Bamboo Desk. If only I could get my hands on this desk with a bright, lacquer paint I'd be in heaven.

Sunburst light, similar to the Moravian star light I want for our entry.

This last picture is for Christopher. I gave him very specific instructions: "tell me if you see anything fun to take pictures of for my blog". His suggestion: giant antlered animal. What is that thing even, an elk perhaps? Thanks Christopher. With your help my blog is going to be a big hit.

*I would like to add that one shop where I regret not taking photos is Rose Bredl. It's without question my favorite flower and garden shop in Columbus, and instead of taking photos I chatted with shop girls Mary and Ruth. I'm going to do an entire post of Rose Bredl soon, but in the meantime, here's a photo that I hacked from their facebook page:

Happy Daylight Savings!?



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