Thursday, December 16, 2010

Animal Heads & Babies' Beds

Ok, I feel like I need to make a disclaimer for this post before I even start it. I am not pregnant, and don't plan to be anytime soon. I do, however, love to look at nursery photos and have a lot of images of nurseries saved on my computer.

 Now that that's out of the way, I am really liking animal heads as decor pieces right now. I'm not big on the idea of going out and schlepping a dead animal around to have it stuffed (or whatever it is they do to them) though, so instead I'm liking the paper mache-ish versions that Anthropologie offers: 

How fun/cute are these!? I think they'd be adorable in a nursery, and I've thought a lot about what I would want my little peanut's room to look like. I don't think there's anything wrong with the standard pastel pink/blue room, but it's not for me. I'm thinking more along the lines of whimsical/quirky/unique; besides, given the parents it will have, my future child is not likely to be "normal" (which I think is a very good thing). :) 

Here's a few of my favorite nurseries: 
Jennifer Lyons' Nursery (J. Crew superstar) via Domino 

via here  *Notice the animal head*

I'm not quite ready to have a little Frankel running around, but man I wish I could decorate a nursery!!!! Tory, hurry up already!!!!! Joking, kind of. :) 




  1. You forgot another reason as to why your children will not be normal (in a good way)....their Aunt Liz :)

  2. I love these paper mache animal heads! Re: your question yesterday, the gold mirror was thrifted and the lamps were from an antique store in SF. I find the best things in those places! Your house looks wonderful for the Holidays, Kelly!

  3. I do love those animal heads! And those nurseries are some of my favorites also.

  4. Some day.........maybe I will have a little Frankel to spoil! And ,yes, Liz, you are a reason they might NOT be normal!!!!!!!!!!! (In a good way!!!!!)
