Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Eddie Ross- Inspired Mantel

Last week I saw this post over on Eddie Ross' site, and I loved the mantel he decorated!

Eddie's Mantel:

Beautiful, isn't it??

I decided I would try it. The results are nowhere near as good, but I broke three ornaments in the process, had to pry glass shards out of Luca's mouth, and cut my thumb, so I decided to leave it as is for now!!!!

In other news, while putting up our tree, I started to get the feeling that my little fig tree was feeling left out. I'm worried he's battling seasonal affective disorder. We aren't getting much sun right now in Ohio; to make matters worse Luca threatens his life on a daily basis (see photo below). To try to lift his spirits, I decorated him as well!

I'll post the rest of our Christmas decor photos tonight; stay tuned!!




  1. I think your version is super cute! I know what you mean about pets getting in the way so to speak, we are going to be decorating our tree tonight and I have a feeling our one cat will think all the ornaments are play toys for him!

  2. My cousins dog ,Schnotz likes to eat dirt too

  3. Leave my dog out of this Clark. See you in a couple of weeks.

  4. Kelly!!! do you need a job! looks AMAZING!!! thank you so much for your sweet shout out! Merry Christmas!
