Saturday, January 8, 2011

Design Crush: Amy Meier

I always like to pick up Better Homes and Gardens to look at the homes featured. I think BHG does a great job of showcasing homes that are "real" and "accessible". Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love looking at interiors that will forever be out of my price range, but it's fun to get ideas from homes that are  more realistic to what I can afford. 

For January, BHG featured the home of San Diego Interior designer Amy Meier

I'd have a big smile on my face too if I walked into that space everyday!

You have to read the article to fully appreciate this, but Amy managed to turn the dining room of her apartment into an extremely well organized office, with the help of an Ikea Expedit Bookcase!

My favorite thing about this room: the window treatments. Ikat with Greek Key trim. Love it!!! 

Amy blogs too! Check her out here

I've mentioned it before, but it's a goal of mine to one day have our home featured in BHG or a similar publication. 1551 isn't quite ready for publishing yet but maybe someday! 

Congrats, Amy! You've taken a one bedroom apartment and created a living space that's more cozy and inviting than a lot huge homes. 


  1. I am sure one day your dream will come true. I also love BH&G. I love her office.

  2. Kelly,
    Thank you so much for featuring my home! I absolutely love how this article has connected me to so many creative people. :)
    Cheers to getting your home published!!!!

  3. Stopping in to say happy new year!

  4. I loved everything about this feature, particularly how accessible it felt like you mentioned. I am completely obsessed with that brass sconce over the Expedit now.
