Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Other Uses for Julep Cups

I've never had a Mint Julep, but I do, however, have a few julep cups around the house.
via here

Here's how I've used mine:
For holding straws at the bar:

...and storing makeup brushes:

...keeping our pens and pencils orderly in the office:

I also made some mum balls like these from Southern Living:
via here

Here's my version, mentioned here:

Lastly, julep cups always make a classic vase for flowers:
via here

I'm sure there are lots of other creative ways to use julep cups. Any ideas!?? 




  1. I have never had a mint julep either but I do have a few of these cups. I also like them for holding small spoons in the kitchen. For some reason we use small spoons a lot.

  2. cand88ice-

    They gold julep cups are from Jamali Garden. The silver ones were a gift, but J.G. sells silver ones as well.


    I like the small spoons idea!

  3. I am officially a follower!

  4. Me again, I am still reading through your blog and loving it. Did you get your white bubble bowl at West Elm or is it the fancy version. I want it bad!!! I did a whole post on those bowls awhile back.

  5. Bluehydrangea-

    It's the fancy version! I have a friend who works at a shop that sells Astier, so I saved up for a little splurge!

    BTW, I LOVE your blog! I've been a follower for sometime now!
