Monday, January 24, 2011

Scott Antique Market

Over the weekend I visited the Scott Antique Market for the first time. While I didn't purchase anything, my sister and I had a great time looking at all the interesting items (and people watching, of course). 

Some of the items that caught my eye:

Book ends and Urns

 Beautiful Convex Mirror

I had a VERY difficult time walking away from these. 

 I tried to convince Tory to wear one of these for a photo. She refused (smart girl). 


My sister is even more of a bookworm than I am. She just had to stop and take a look:

Not sure what to make of these: 

 Tory's admitted that she needs help, an important first step in the road to recovery.

The closest thing I saw to the faux bamboo bar cart I want so desperately:

The woman behind us was appalled by these, claiming she was calling the Humane Society immediately. 

The Scott Antique Market is back in town February 19-20, and I will absolutely be going back! 

The only downsides I noted from the experience: 
-I did not see a single Portieux Vallerysthal item!! Sigh.
-Kidzapalooza was in the building directly across from us; Tory and I were nearly attacked by crazed children with balloon hats and ridiculous amounts of cotton candy. YIKES! 

Happy Monday!




  1. Lol! I need the disturbed women sign. Sounds like a fun adventure of a day...thanks for sharing.

  2. Looks great. I do love the mirror you have showcased very nice...thanks:)

  3. Love the mirror! Glad you had fun.

  4. Those rocks are so cool!! I've seen them somewhere before and have always wanted one... a purple one!

    Happy Monday Darling! xo

    Stop by and enter my GIVEAWAY!

  5. Hahahaha. Those signs are hilarious. I wonder who will eventually buy them (and WHY). That little faux bamboo table is KILLER. Looks like you had a great time!

  6. Ohhhhhh I want the Convex mirror! Looks like you had a good weekend with lots of fab finds. Samantha

  7. I went to scott's with a friend in November and we had a blast. We're going back this spring with a larger car!

  8. I will definetly join you again if you decide to go again next month! I had fun!

  9. Hi- I have a brass bamboo bar cart, but no longer need. Pretty sure it's just what you're looking for. You can email me & I can send you a pic... :) Oh, but i'm in NC, so that may not work!
