Friday, February 18, 2011

Find of the Century????

Ok, readers, I need your help. Yes, I know it's Friday night. I'm sorry, but that's just too bad. I need to know something. Is this brass bar cart worth a six hour round trip and $50? Yes, $50! I've wanted one for SO long. I search Craigslist and ebay everyday (multiple times a day). This is the first time I've ever seen one in my area. It doesn't have a handle like I'd hoped for, but beggars can't be choosers I suppose. 

SO- is it worth it??? I'm only asking because once I decide to get it, I'll become paranoid that someone else will buy it, so I'll likely leave early tomorrow morning to pick it up! HELP! Is it a stylish brass faux bamboo bar cart, or I am just overzealous to have finally found one?! 


  1. I completely understand how you feel. This type of thing would bother me so bad. I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it until I got it or somebody told me it was too late.

    I think it is a really cool piece. I would love to have a bar cart. So, let us know what you decide.

  2. I think it is pretty cool! And for $50 really if you can afford to outgrow it in a couple of years.

  3. I'm not gonna lie! I think this is a super cool piece! The price is right...the trip a little long, BUT I think you'll really enjoy it!

  4. For $50 you are buying *A LOT* of style, girl! I say go for it! (c:

  5. I say go for it and just make a fun day trip out of it. Stock up on good road snacks, make a new playlist and do it! It's a really fantastic bar cart.

  6. You have searched high and low for it and there it is. Go for it! Regret it AFTER you get it, rather than regret you DIDNT get it. May the force be with you.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  7. I say go for it too!! Get some Slim Jims, Diet Cokes and good tunes for the trip and you will be one happy girl!!

  8. Oh Kelly! It's great!! I think you'll love it! & if you change your mind, you can always come to Wilmington, NC to get mine ;) PS: Maybe "Blue Hydrangea" would want the one I have? -Lauren
