Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Perfect Valentine's Day Includes...

Valentine's Day is less than a week away. I don't get too worked up over February 14th, but I wouldn't mind having: 

Some of these...
via here 

Mixed with these.... 
via here

A sparkly Papyrus card:
via here

My favorite meal (I'm seriously addicted to Chicken Tikka Masala)
via here 

We don't exchange gifts on Valentine's day (I'd rather receive a random gift as a surprise anyways), but I wouldn't be opposed to one of these: 
via here

And if money weren't a consideration, then I'd also like one of these:

via here 
For blogging, of course! I'm sure all of you, dear readers, would love to see some snazzier photos!! Something tells me Cupid's going to let me down on the camera, but as long as I get my Indian food no one gets hurt!!!! :) 

What are your V-day plans???? 




  1. You definitely have my wanting Indian food...before 10 AM. Thanks a lot! Haha

  2. OHHH I love peonies!!! I hope I get some of those on Valentine's Day too! *wink!*

  3. I don't have any V-day plans yet, but I am with you. I wouldn't mind having one of those cameras!!! ;-)

    I think I'll probably make a special dinner for V-day since I love cooking anyhow. =]

  4. Mmmmm chicken tikka masala! Sounds delish. We normally do pizza and wine though this year, we're going to spend the weekend in Monterey with some friends of ours.

    Have you ever tried the Seeds of Change tikka masala sauce? You can get it at Whole Foods. It's pretty good, especially if you jazz it up with some chicken and whatever veggies you want!

  5. oooh I am not big on Vday, but will definitely take the peonies (looks like my wedding bouquet!) and that camera! ok and the Indian food too. YUM! :)

  6. Yeah, The Husband and I don't exchange gifts either. Mmmm....Tikka Masala. You just made me hungry. Have you ever tried paneer? delicious.
