Monday, March 21, 2011

Picnic, Anyone???

The warm weather last Friday was a total tease, and it's left me longing for Spring! When I think "Spring", I think picnics. Do you ever picnic? Christopher and I have a few times (i.e. buy takeout and eat in a park on a blanket). I think it's about time we have an actual picnic though. I put together a list of "picnic essential":  
Did I miss anything?? 


  1. I used to do picnics. They weren't my thing, but women tend to like them. So I took one for the team.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  2. Loving this fun spring picnic inspiration! I cannot wait for that day to come this the meantime, we're dealing a tons of snow! :( Don't think you missed anything at it all!

  3. Love this inspiration board! One of my favorite dates with the Boy was a picnic in Central Park with a small antipasto platter and the perfect spring weather.

    Happy Spring!
    ~ Julie

  4. No, you didn't miss a thing. Love that you included Lonny. -Camille
