Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's In Your Bag Wednesday #10

Good morning, friends!!! Today we're taking a peak into Alex's bag. Alex is responsible for Things that Sparkle (great name, don't you think).  If you haven't visited her blog before, I highly recommend it! She always has creative ideas; she recently framed a scarf (something that I hope to do in the next few weeks), and it looks amazing!! 

Well today it's time to get real. I may lose some friends (followers) through this post... but here are two things you're about to learn about me: 
1. I am more obsessed with pink than I even realized
2. My shame for being completely Lactaid dependent is now nonexistent
Moving on... So excited Kelly asked me to participate in this fun series! I always love seeing whats inside other people's purses and now the tables have turned. 
This bag is my all time favorite spring purse. It is the perfect, creamy, khaki color. And best of all, it goes with absolutely everything.
And here are my contents.... Yes I know, by some ridiculous coincidence I only have pink accessories. Its my favorite color, but still not an excuse.
1. Cosmetic bag from college, falling apart but I love it and refuse to replace it, the scalloping is too cute.
2. My pink croc wallet. Relatively new purchase. I love her. Yes her.
3. My handy little Power Shot
4. A packet of Lactaid pills. I'm relatively new to the lactose intolerance scene. Problem is... pizza is my favorite food in the universe. So I carry this stuff with me everywhere I go. And so does everyone else, for me. Its a necessity. 
5. Fresh Sugar Lip Gloss- the perfect amount of tint and gloss without looking done up
6. Altoids, no explanation needed
7. Keys, just being real here. They're in my bag.
8. Minimergency Kit. Best.Thing.Ever
9. An "inspiration & ideas" notebook I was given as a gift. I take little notes on everything in this.
Thank you so much for inviting me over today Kelly!! xoxo

Thanks for sharing, Alex!!! I LOVE your new wallet. Also, I think pizza should be everyone's favorite food; I'd be willing to inject myself with lactaid (similar to insulin) on a daily basis if it meant I didn't have to give up pizza!!!! 


  1. Love these types of posts! Thanks for giving us a peek inside your beautiful Balenciaga!

  2. Loved getting a peak of Alex's goodies- love her propensity for pink and highly approve of all the lovely rosy hued accessories.

  3. We adore Alex and it was such a treat getting to peak into her (STUNNING) bag! I've heard so much about that Fresh Sugar lip gloss... may have to make a run to the mall after work to pick one up! xoxo

  4. Love this series and love Alex so thanks for sharing Kelly. Alex, there is no such thing as too much pink!
