Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What's In Your Bag Wednesday #11

Happy Wednesday, boys and girls! Today's "bag" is brought to you by Natasha; I'm sure you'll adore Natasha (and her blog) as much as I do! Be sure to check out her kitchen renovation; I always tell people that if a couple can survive a kitchen remodel, they can survive anything (I've since replaced kitchen remodel with law school... but I digress)! 

Hello Classically Eclectic Readers!  It's Natasha from Schue Loveand I am thrilled that Kelly asked me to participate in her series today!  We hit it off right away in Blogland and I always look forward to reading her blog!  

So without further ado, I'll show you what I've got in the bag:

This is my newest "big" purchase, the Tory Burch Steffi Tote!  I got it on sale {after I thought it was all sold out} and have loved carrying it around ever since.  The leather is rich and buttery and it's very spacious on the inside...which is good thing because I have a lot of stuff!

And this is quite cleaned up...usually I have mittens and perfume...among other things in the mix too!  Let's break it down:

  1. Ray Ban aviators are the best!  I bought these right before our honeymoon and love how versatile they are!
  2. Sterling Silver Compact Mirror-this picture does not do it justice, but my girlfriend gave this to me as a wedding gift and it says, "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue."  Such a sweet and sentimental gift!
  3. Bobbi Brown Sheer Finish Powder-I keep an extra in my purse, for those long days when a girl needs to touch up and powder her nose!
  4. Blistex Hebal Answer chapstick-it's really dry up here in Tahoe, so good chapstick is essential.
  5. Philosophy Orange Cranberry Spritzer {which is a seasonal brand}-I just love Philosophy and this lip shine is no exception!  The flavor is great AND it has just the right amount of color.
  1.  This little cosmetic case has been a lifesaver for keeping all the little stuff put.  It's nothing fancy...but it works!
  2. Hand sanitizer is a must, especially during cold season.
  3. Johnson's Body Care-Melt Away Stress Lavender & Chamomile hand lotion is the BEST!  Smells divine and is essential in this dry climate.
  4. Kleenex always comes in handy, and how cute is this packaging?
  5. Brush and comb, for keeping my hair did.
  6. Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing sheets are lifesavers for me!  Go out and buy them now!  They keep your complexion from getting oily and don't take off makeup!  Love!
  7. Gum-no stinky breath here!
  8. Rubber bands are always nice to have...I usually keep a pack handy.
  1.  Coach wallet-this was a birthday present and I just really love it.  The dark leather has worn well and doesn't show dirt at all!
  2. I forgot to include my keys in the "big" picture...but I have a Tiffany's key chain on here one of my BFF's gave me on my sweet 16th!  It's been over 10 years and I still have it.  Also on there is a Coach key chain from another friend.
  3. I don't use my Canon Point and Shoot as much anymore, but it's nice to have, just in case!
  4. I just got the Droid for Christmas...RIGHT before Verizon came out with the iPhone!  Rats!  But it works for now!
So there you have it!  It's crazy the things we ladies carry around, isn't it?  But I know I would be lost without all of my "stuff".  Thanks again to Kelly for having me!
xo natasha


  1. Love Natasha's bag (and blog!) thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. Thanks for sharing...looking forward to following Natasha's blog :-)

  3. Wow she has everything you'd ever need! Lover her blog, too!

  4. I love this series- it's the second time this week I've seen those Ray Ban aviators- I NEED them- top of my list!

  5. Just found your blog thru Natasha's..I'm from Columbus too! Always cool finding bloggers in the same area :) cute blog!

  6. Great post! Love her blog and am now a fan of yours!

  7. this was a fun post :) ..just found you via classic.casual.home :))

  8. As previously informed, I will be stealing your bag, Natasha...(c: Honestly, I wish I could just get away with something that carried my phone, credit cards and "lippie" (as my daughter likes to call it)...why do we have to have so much stuff??? But it doesn't stop me from totally pouring over/stalking this guest series...I'm so nosey...(c:

  9. Not only did Natasha get her hands on a previously sold out bag, but she got it on SALE! It doesn't get any better than that :) Looking forward to checking out the rest of your blog.

  10. Still LOVING that TB bag Natasha! :) Great post!

    xo! Lauren @ tickled.

  11. Thanks again for having me Kelly! I had a ball dumping out the contents of my bag and sharing it! xo

  12. I love Natasha- her blog is adorable! Thanks for sharing it with us, Kelly! (wednesdays are my favorite here!)

  13. how fun to get to know you better through your bag :) great guest post and fun blog!
