Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What's In Your Bag Wednesday #13

Happy Wednesday, boys and girls (mostly girls except Dad and Mr. Frankel, of course). Today we're joined by Kelli, one half of the Bud & Leo blog. Bud & Leo is a fun blog about interiors, fashion, and entertainment, always a good combination, yes? 

Hello Classically Eclectic followers! I’m Kelli of Bud & Leo and since there’s two of us, Lisa and I are going to take turns sharing our bags over the next two weeks. We both love this feature, so we’re honored that Kelly reached out to us to find out what hidden treasures we’re hiding!

I’m known for carrying the largest bag possible, so naturally this thing weighs a ton! I literally stood up at lunch today and my chair tipped over backwards because my heavy purse was hanging on it…slightly embarrassing!

My must have’s every day include my sunglasses, wallet, a notebook to jot down my random thoughts and to-do lists, my business card holder and of course, my phone!

Lip gloss is a must and so is something cute to put them in! So I keep these handy to help pull me together at any given moment.

And because my life is spent on the go, I need things to entertain and inspire me! At the moment I haveUS Weekly and House Beautiful for entertainment and inspiration.

That about sums up my bag and why my shoulders slouch! It’s probably time to clean this baby out! I hope you enjoyed and will stop by some time!



Don't you love Kelli's bag??! I also typically carry the largest bag humanly possible, and I love that someone else runs around with magazines! 

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts on bags: The bigger, the better!!!(c: And Kelli, you are a girl after my own heart, lots-o-lipgloss...I mean really, what else makes that big of a difference so quick??? I may have to come steal that louis from you, LOVE.
