Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend Snippets

A little late for the old weekend recap, but hey, let's go with the flow, shall we? 

Over the weekend Christopher and I had the pleasure of meeting our brand-spanking-new niece, Maddison. Attention must be paid. 

There are no words.... except that this image will forever make me smile. Someone is going to be a good daddy. 

I'm in love with this little girl. We're going to be great friends. I just know it. 

She's definitely her mother's daughter. The girl loves her pacifier. 

Luca spent Sunday exhausted from playing with all the doggies at the dog hotel. I think she was sulking a bit too because she could smell Maddison all over us, and she was jealous. I don't blame her..... 

... and I found some orange and tan (?) hydrangeas. Who knew...

I hope your weekend was fabulous, but unless you spent it with an equally beautiful baby, I'm guessing mine was better.... ;) 


  1. Oh congrats!! She's absolutely adorable. Nieces and nephews are the best because you can spoil them rotten and then hand them back over to their parents :)

  2. These pictures are so sweet! She is a gorgeous baby girl. I know you must be so proud to be a new aunt. =)
