Monday, December 12, 2011

Tokyo, Part 1

I'm back from a week in Tokyo! I was there for work, but most of it occurred in the late afternoon/evening, so I had some time for sightseeing. I asked my mother-in-law to join me; I think I would have chewed my arm off by the end of the week had I been alone the whole time. We had a great time. Tokyo is an extremely clean, safe, and polite city! 

I'm going to share photos of my trip over the next few days because I went a little crazy with my iphone and took A LOT. Today I'm sharing photos from Omotesando- a little neighborhood with lots of beautiful shops and restaurants. 

Pre-trip, airport stuff:

Our hotel keys. The REAL thing. 


Tokyo is big on Christmas trees, Christmas music (they play it EVERYWHERE), and nativity scenes. It's apparently not as controversial in Japan to celebrate Christmas as it has become in the U.S. Who knew.... 

This was our favorite restaurant- a little French cafe. They had outdoor seating (it was in the 40s) with heaters and blankets.

As you can see, I tired of traditional Japanese cuisine pretty quickly. Thank goodness for cheeseburgers!

Three-story Swarovski crystal Disney Christmas tree.

Some fashion exhibit. I snapped some photos before I got distracted by spotting a Zara. :) 

More to come tomorrow! 


  1. Great pics! What a fun time you must have had!

  2. So amazing! Looks like you had a great time. I would LOVE to make it to Tokyo someday!

  3. What cool pics! Love all the food pictures. This must have been such a neat trip. =)

  4. Can't wait to see more pictures! Looks like such a fun trip.
