Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend snippets: Super Bowl Village

A lazy weekend for the most part. Mr. Frankel had lots of studying to do, and I cleaned. One of the things I cleaned was Miss Luca. She HATES baths. 
*This photo was taken from our car window as we headed to the gym RIGHT after we bathed her. The window was filthy with slobber when I got home. I think she stayed there for a while, plotting her escape. 

On Sunday we went downtown to check out Super Bowl Village. This city is going to be absolutely insane for the next 7-8 days. 
Zip-line area

I'd like to say that we'll head back downtown this coming weekend for the actual Super Bowl festivities. We live less than 8 miles away after all, but the crowds are already crazy. We'll see! 

**Don't forget to enter the Kirkland's giveaway! I'm announcing a winner tomorrow morning! 


  1. Looks like you had a great weekend!

  2. I love the photo of Miss Luca looking out the window! So so cute.

    My wheaten, Fergus, got a bath this weekend, too.. of course it induced much crazy, frenetic running about. :P

  3. Oh I love your blog. Your dog is so sweet!! So we had the Superbowl in Dallas last year and it was INSANITY!! It will be fun though..just avoid being in public all together. haha! That zip line looks really cool!!! xoxo
