Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Good Stuff

It's been a really fun week around here. I can officially say I've had chicken and [blueberry] waffles. I understand the hype; that stuff is good. 

New book and some baubles

Dinner with a friend + a loaded Bloody Mary = one happy Kelly

Fresh tulips AND Mr. Frankel comes home today! He's been out of town for work the last few days, and Geez Louise have I missed him! 
Luca has missed him too; she's not eating, sleeping in our room, or going "potty outside". I've been trying to encourage her to eat by putting peanut butter and whipped cream on her dog food. *Sorry, Dad (aka Luca's vet). I'm a bad dog owner, I know. I am completely certain that when Christopher gets home Luca is going to start convulsing and lose control of all bodily functions.

Make it a great day, kids. You don't get a second chance at it after all. 


  1. Okay, I must go buy that book. Hope Luca gets her groove back soon!

  2. Chicken and waffles is my favorite combo everrrrrrrr!!! Sorry about Luca..that's so sad :( xoxoxo Elizabeth

  3. You get a loaded Bloody Mary and I get peanut butter and whipped cream? Darn skippy I'll be glad when Dad gets home!

  4. Discovered your blog through the girls at The Now. So excited I did! I'm originally from a small town outside of Indianapolis and you're the first Indiana blogger I've come across! I am now happily following! I just started my blog a couple of weeks. I would love if you would take a peek and follow back if you like what you see!


  5. So many of my favorite things!!! Pantones, bloody mary's & pretty spring blooms! I have yet to try chicken & waffle, day ;) XO brynn

  6. Mmmm bloody mary's and tulips!! Sounds good to me! ;)

  7. Now I'm reeeeeeeally craving a Bloody! I will have to have one tomorrow for brunch, for sure!

  8. How is the Pantone book? I've had my eye on it since posting it in a holiday gift guide, but never made the purchase. Worth it?
