Friday, March 2, 2012

Sofa Update!

Happy Friday evening! I have just a few quick photos to share of our new sofa. We weren't able to move the chaise out of the room just quite yet; I did my best to hide it in the photos though! We LOVE the sofa.  I have a feeling we're going to be spending a LOT more time in this room. We just need to get a ceiling fixture installed now!  *I don't think I ever mentioned it, but Christopher bought me a "big kid" camera for Christmas. That's what I used to snap these photos. I'm still figuring out how to use it, but it's so nice to not rely on my digital anymore! 


  1. I am so jealous! It's beautiful! I love the lines, the color, everything.. Enjoy it!

  2. Love it!! I am totally wanting a new sofa and hoping the Mr. goes for it when we move into a new house :)

  3. I loooove the new couch!! So fresh and classic!! Great choice!

  4. So great. I happen to LOVE the chaise next to the sofa, great juxtaposition!

  5. love everything in the room! That Acrylic table is great!

  6. It's coming together so so beautifully!!! Love it!

  7. Love the coral pillow. Where did you get it from?
