Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tray Chic

I love a good tray. It's such a great feeling to organize pieces of your life with trays. This is where I would make a joke about putting Luca on a tray and organizing her if she'd let me, but I'm not quite ready to make jokes about Miss Luca just yet. She had an eye infection last week. *Translation: I cried like a baby and held her in my arms in a dark room while I washed out her eyes and put medicine in them. She thinks I'm delicate now, so she's been extra sweet and well-behaved around me ever since. Her eyes are better too. Enjoy the trays. 

[1 2 3 4 5]


  1. Hope Luca is doing better! Great picks with the trays.

  2. Love all of these trays. Can you ever have too many? Don't think so.

  3. Oh I bought the 2nd Tilly Maison tray and got it in the mail over the weekend. I am obsessed!!! xoxox Elizabeth
