Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What's in your bag Wednesday: Brynn of Chartreuse & a Twist

Happy Wednesday! Today I am so very excited to have Brynn visiting my little corner of the internet! I just recently found Brynn's blog, but it's quickly become one of my favorite stops. The girl is a Photoshop whizkid I tell you.  Her content is always interesting and packed with gorgeous photos. She's super sweet too! 

hello friends of kelly and her lovely blog, classically eclectic!
i am brynn of chartreuse & a twist.
 i am so happy to be here today to share with all of you my bag and what i keep inside... 
it is quite rare that anyone gets to see inside my bag... this is very exciting! come and take a peek!

you might notice that i carry A LOT of lipstick & gloss! i am the first to admit that it is kind of ridiculous...
but i truly do use them...when it comes to make-up, i am all about the lips! i mix colors and can never have enough variety around me...never know when i might need to make a quick switch from pink to red ;)

a few more essential not listed above are...nail file, lotion for my poor winter-weather dry hands, floss, mints, iPhone (duh!), sunglasses (i live in seattle, so they don't get used often, but i am originally from southern california so it is a habit to carry them!...and umbrella.
if you know anyone from seattle, they will tell you that only tourists use umbrellas. 
this statement is about 95% true (usually our rain is drizzle...but lately it is dumping quarters)
so i have fallen into the "tourist category"...ah well, what is a girl to do?! can't get all sopping wet!

thank you, kelly, for having me as your guest today! 
thank you friends of kelly for letting me chat your ear off ;) and share my purse & contents with you!
feel free to stop by chartreuse & a twist anytime! i would love to meet you :) 
XO brynn

Thanks for sharing, Brynn! That bag is beautiful, and I love that it's from a special trip! I cracked up when I saw all of your lip products! I am the same way! My husband is convinced I could color the lips of an entire African country with all of my lip products [not really sure why I would do that, but I digress]. Have a wonderful day, everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for having me over!!! I always wanted to do a post like this!!! It was so much fun :) XO Brynn
