Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Few Changes in the Family Room

I wanted to share a few photos from some recent updates I've made to our family room. When Christopher and I are home together (which is a rare occasion outside of when we're sleeping), this is where we spend the majority of our time. This room has bothered me for awhile though; I was unhappy with the green color I picked (I'm clearly deficient when it comes to picking green paint colors), and the layout of the room was awkward. Part of the awkward layout is because we are working with the furniture we already have, and the other part of it is that I arranged the room poorly.

*Note to Christopher: the next time you accuse me of not owning up to mistakes I've made or faults I have, please refer to this post because I've listed two already, but I still refuse to admit that I am incapable of putting the cap on the toothpaste every single day. :)

Back to the updates- Here are the before photos:

... and here are the after photos:

*I should note that I was watching Law and Order: SVU. A group of construction workers had just discovered a skull in the dumpster. Scary stuff.

I changed the color to Ashen (516-4) by Pittsburg Paints; it's the same color we have in our dining room.

I moved our TV stand up against the window. Yes, our TV is Charlie Brown-esque. We are hopefully getting one for Christmas, though I can think of so many other things I'd rather spend money on.

I moved the club chair to the other end of the room; it's still at an awkward angle for watching tv, but we rarely have enough people watching TV in this room for it to be an issue.

The wall on the left still needs a big, fat painting.

Oh, and I'm still scouring the house for my next chalkboard paint victim; I'll keep you posted, but here's a couple photos for my "message of the week".

**One last thing: if you frequently stop by, and are semi-interested in the topics you're reading, please "follow" my blog (on the right hand side of the page). Thanks for stopping by!!!




  1. LOVE the new color and what you have done with the house! You are something!

  2. I can't figure out this comment thing. It won't let me use AIM, which I am, so I used anonymous! Well, I'm NOT!
