Thursday, November 11, 2010

Foo Dogs

I'm in the market for a pair of foo dogs. I love them because they're a little bit ugly/awkward, they meet my requirement for having one piece of asian decor in every room (*I just made that rule up, but it does sound like a good one to enact), and you can find them for reasonable prices at many locations:

Home Goods: *Usually $7.99 each

Ebay: $35.00 for this vintage pair

CB2: $49.95 for the pair

If anyone reading this is thinking about getting a pet, particularly a dog, consider buying one of the foo variety first. After careful research on the "foo breed", I can almost guarantee that a foo dog will never: need to be taken out, have to be groomed, or eat pumpkins, pens, or razor blades (*all of which Miss Luca has eaten in the last two weeks).

A foo dog, however, will never look this cute or be this cuddly:

*It's a very tough call, but I still recommend starting with the foo dog and working your way up to something like a razor-blade-eating Wheaten later.



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