Monday, November 22, 2010

This and That

Lots of random pictures for this post. I am off work all week and have been painting our living room and entry today; I am dizzy from the paint smell right now, so I'm taking a break to blog about all the little artsy-fartsy things I've been doing the last week.

First: Last week I went to the Fall Centerpiece Event at Rose Bredl. Mary and Ruth helped me make a wheat spiral (I think that's what it's called) and a gourd centerpiece. I'm pretty proud of both, and I didn't cut myself or drop my gourd which is always a plus!

I got out the gold leaf paint yesterday and found a few more things to paint:
A piece of abalone...

... and this boring, little pot.

Finally, I picked up my very own Fiddleleaf Ficus. I was not able to convince Christopher it was our Christmas tree; he read the blog post and was expecting it. I'm going to have to become more secretive with my tricks. I need to find the tree a proper container, one that will protect him from LUCA. She's already eaten at least a half cup of dirt from the pot; the PICA diagnosis is sounding more realistic each day.

Sorry for the lackluster post. I'm going to open a window and get back to painting!!!




  1. I used Cayenne pepper to stop my Rat Terrier puppies from eating the dirt in one of my plants (hope your Dad does'nt think I am an animal abuser). I sprinkled a good amount on the dirt from time to time and they quit eating it. Bob and I called in Canine pepper. It did not seem to hurt the plant. This was 12 years ago and I still have the plant.

  2. Whoops, it's Amy, again...not Anonymous.
