Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wreaths Galore... and a Little Holiday Decor!

While I wouldn't go so far as to say that I've caught the "Christmas bug", I'm at least starting to come out of my "Scrooge mood". I pulled out some of our decorations last night, and I'm having serious concerns about being able to put a tree up this year with Devil-Child Luca. Instead, I've focused on decorations that are out of her reach: i.e. wreaths!

I realized while sorting through all of our decor tonight that I have a LOT of wreaths:
Reindeer Moss Wreath that I made last year to avoid paying for Pottery Barn's version:

Mine just needs a pretty bow, but very similar I think!!

This year I made a sheet moss wreath:

Doesn't look too bad, but I was trying to imitate the Martha Stewart one:
Total fail. Even adding a bow to mine won't help. Marth's wreath is one of the most beautiful I've seen. Ever.

I have two fresh magnolia wreaths: one in the bedroom and one in the dining room:

I also have a few preserved boxwood wreaths:

I leave this one out all year round (pre paint-job).

I also just finished another wreath. I came across this image on Pickles
Similar to a moth drawn to light, I was (and still am) drawn to and infatuated with this wreath. So I made my own version (slightly smaller).

I had to go back after I took these photos and fill in some of the blank spots. This wreath was a total pain to make, and I nearly had a breakdown during the process, but it was absolutely worth it! Just don't ask me to make a second one!!! He's (I've determined the wreath is male based on all the trouble he's caused me) such a fat, little thing I really had a hard time figuring out how to hang him, so I just hung him on a wine bottle. Perfect combination if you ask me.

This isn't my wreath, but my Aunt Kathy sent a photo of a peacock-themed wreath she made:
So many creative people in my family!!!

Here's a great way to use a wreath:

Similarly, Eddie Ross had this photo posted on his blog last night:
Love it! Place the wreath atop a cake pedestal. I can do that!!!

Lastly, I did manage to set out a few things for the holidays:

Magnolia garland:

I also put out our stockings. Luca doesn't have one, but I'm thinking it would be a waste of money to buy her one; it'd be ruined once Santa came and chocked it full of COAL.

Disclaimer on our mantle: it's not complete; I just wanted to share my blinged-out stockings with you.

What's a girl to do when she doesn't want to spend money on having stockings embroidered? Pin brooches and peacock feathers on them, of course!!!!

The feminine one is mine; the masculine one is Christopher's. Pause for reaction. This is my husband's punishment for not being home when I'm decorating for Christmas.
I'd like to put more pillar candles on the mantle and maybe switch the photo out with a mirror for now. I also have some greenery, but I'm not sure how to secure it yet!!

Have you started decorating yet?

