Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Attention All Romantic-Wannabe-Males:

Most of us females know the deal with wedding anniversaries: each year of marriage involves a different kind of gift. For a list of gifts based on the year read this.  Paper is the suggested gift for a couple's first wedding anniversary. 

I suppose if you want to get technical we fulfilled this requirement (via cards and gift cards), but it certainly wasn't romantic.

So- boys (if any of you are reading this), here's a suggestion: 
via here
I've been searching for this image for so long, and I finally found it!!  

How creative/romantic/whimsical is this!?! Of course Lilly is kissing Rufus; what girl wouldn't kiss a man after coming home to a room full of paper poms!?  I'd like a do-over for my one year anniversary, please.

Paper poms make me ridiculously happy. I did one of my very first blog posts about them

The gift for a second anniversary is cotton. Do they make cotton poms? :) 




  1. Of course you love Gossip Girl- it's my fav :) I knew I loved you!!

  2. Ha ha! I'm pretty predictable, Michelle! Clearly we have great taste :)

  3. I love creative twists on the anniversary tradition. Unfortunately, I really don't think paper poms are in my boyfriend's vocabulary :) Silly boys.
