Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Series: What's In Your Bag Wednesday?!

Good morning, lovelies! I'm excited to announce a new series, What's in Your Bag Wednesday? I know other bloggers have done similar series, but I personally never tire of getting a glimpse into another girl's handbag! 

First up is Sara from A Dose of Pretty!. Sara was one of the first friends I made in the blogosphere, so I thought it only fitting to feature her handbag first!  Enjoy!

Hello 1551 Transformed readers! I feel so flattered that Kelly asked me to participate in her new series.

 My bag was my third year anniversary present from hubby. For the third year of marriage the tradition is to give leather and hubby made me a happy girl when he surprised me with this LV bag.

Inside my bag it doesn’t get too exciting. I always carry bleach and Tide pens, hand sanitizer, Neosporin, Advil, a small Chloe perfume, hand lotion, and a couple of different lip balms for myself. I even carry a lip balm for my son just in case he has chapped lips. I am turning my son into a metrosexual.

The other things are my Burberry sunglasses, wallet, iPhone, a pen and small notebook, and I always carry with me a tape measure. The tape measure comes in handy when I'm shopping for home stuff. It is essential in my bag.

And probably the least fun, but very necessary are baby wipes, tissue paper, and gum.

Oh and I forgot to include a couple of small cars and trains that must be in my bag before I head out the door to help keep a 2-year old entertained.

That is all! It still amazes me all the things that must go with me when I leave the house. I hope you enjoyed looking inside my bag.

Thank you Kelly for including me in this series. Have a fabulous day!

I love the way Sara styled these photos of her handbag and its contents! My mom always used to carry trucks in her purse for my little brother too! Don't forget to check out her blog




  1. Thank you so much Kelly for featuring me on your new series. I think this series will become a favorite of mine.

  2. Beautiful bag, my dear. I'm a total LV girl too. And I should prob start carrying around Tide pens too...

    Great to find your blog, Kelly.

  3. I love this idea! I am with never gets old.

  4. Great post Sara- and too funny with the trains- I never don't have at least 2 of them in my bag too:) Happy to find your blog Kelly.

  5. So love getting a peak into Sara's bag. She's fabulous. And so happy to have found your blog :)

  6. gorgeous bag!!! love sara...and so thrilled she guested over here so I could find your blog!

  7. Very stylish contents in that bag! There are undoubtedly some stray cookie crumbs in mine! Love this series! xo Erica

  8. Totally love Sara...and I'm giggling about the Thomas the train in the purse, it! So fun to find your blog! (c:

  9. What a great series! I am a new follower to your blog, can't wait to see who is up next!


  10. Thank you all for your lovely and sweet comments. And again thank you Kelly.

  11. I carry a tape measure, too! I posted about the same thing today!
