Monday, January 10, 2011

Hot Off the Press

The newest issue of Lonny is out, people! I strongly encourage you to check it out. Immediately! My favorite images from this issue: 

Hello beautiful pillows. Come to mama! 

Chalkboard paint! A good person lives in that house if you ask me! 




  1. I'm ending my day at work reading this (shh! don't tell). Isn't it stunning? Lonny just keeps getting better and better and BETTER.

    Now the real question: Lonny or Rue??

  2. PS - I'm pretty much going to download every single image from this issue for my archives. Pure eye candy.

  3. Victoria-

    As to your "Lonny or Rue" question: I plead the fifth. I simply can't answer, but I will say that in this industry I welcome lots of competition!!! I can't wait for all the other digital magazines that are coming in the next few months!!!
