Monday, January 10, 2011

Hotel Chic

I mentioned here that my favorite part of the 2011 HGTV Dream Home was the guest bedroom for it's hotel-chic vibe. Since then, I've been working to find other images for creating hotel-chic bedrooms and bathrooms. Most of these images seem to have a few common elements. 

For Bathrooms:
1. Quality bath towels (preferably in neutral colors) are a must. Folding them or rolling them on shelves gives more of a hotel vibe. 
2. Provide (if it's the guest bathroom) and organize toiletries on a tray. Soaps and shampoos placed in a tray look much more impressive than if they were just stashed in a drawer. 
3. Simple, classic elements like subway tiles and glass shower doors are timeless and gives the room a spa-quality. 
via here

For Bedrooms: 
1. The fewer knick knacks, the better. Pick a few basic accessories, and leave it at that. I can't recall staying in a hotel room that felt cluttered. 
2. LIGHTING! This is one of the most important elements for create a hotel-vibe. While a chandelier isn't necessary, I think it would add a little glamour, especially if you're using all neutrals. Also, bedside lamps are a must.
3. Symmetry is important. How often do you visit a hotel where the bed is shoved awkwardly in the corner? Matching night stands and lamps or sconces help accomplish this. 
4. Linens: Basic, good-quality bedding (with lots of pillows) helps pull off the hotel look- and just think, you don't even have to worry about bed bugs (I hope)! 
via here



via here

Do you have any other tips or suggestions for creating a hotel-chic room? 




  1. Very nice spaces! By the way, you won my giveaway. Email me your address when you get a chance. Have a great day Kelly!

  2. Yes, yes, yes. I love all these tips and think they're so important to making guests feel comfortable and welcome in your home! I think a host knows she's done her job when your guests don't want to leave. :)

    The only two accessories I'd add as musts are a bedside clock and a good selection of recent magazines. I hate waking up in a friend's house and feeling like they're waiting for me to get up and moving. And the magazines because it's so indulgent to lay in bed and read an article or two!

  3. I must say that the guest bedroom and the dining room were probably the rooms I enjoyed the most out of the entire hgtv Dream Home.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting
