Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reason #32.8 Why I LOVE Blogging:

GIVEAWAYS! I've never done one, but hopefully I will soon (fingers crossed, people)!  I did win my first giveaway though, over at Sara's blog! A little piece of advice: if Sara does another giveaway, you need to get in on the action!
Beautifully wrapped... 

...with the cutest tag!

I'm loving what was inside the wrapping even better!

I decided to use this as my pencil pouch for now so that I can see it everyday! I have an enormous collection of writing utensils. It's an addiction, really. I'm always searching for the perfect pen to capture my silly thoughts on paper. ANYWAYS, thank you Sara for doing the giveaway! I love my new clutch!!! 




  1. Oh Kelly so glad you loved it! And thanks for posting it. I got the wrapping paper at Anthropologie after Christmas on super sale and bought a bunch for this Christmas. I thought it would be great for giveaways too. I hope you enjoy your clutch as much as I am enjoying mine.

  2. How pretty. Congrats! That tag is adorable. I have yet to win a giveaway. Some day, some day. Happy Weekend!
