Friday, January 21, 2011

Shop Talk: Interview #1

Happy Friday! I'm excited to announce an interview series I'm starting this morning, Shop Talk Interviews. I want to focus on interviewing creative ladies who have started their own business.

First up: Jenny Beck of Jenny Beck Photography! Jenny and I met through a mutual friend, and her photos never cease to amaze me! She shot our engagement photos and another session with Luca last spring. One of my biggest regrets on my wedding day is that I didn't kidnap Jenny and force her to take our wedding photos!

Three words to describe you:
Friendly. Sophisticated. Kind. 

Where do you find your inspiration for photos? 
I find my inspiration from any and everywhere.  Blogs, magazines, catalogs, flicker & everyday life.  Inspiration is everywhere when you start looking for it.

What would your "dream shoot" be? 
Ooooh...this one's a toughie.  Right now, my dream shoot would be a fun lifestyle family photoshoot (complete with hair, makeup, props) for 614 Magazine.  Or dreaming a little bigger...photographing for Gap Kids or doing a travel photoshoot for Sunset Magazine.

What's the best business advice you've been given?
The best advice I was given was, don't start a business until you're ready to actually be a business.  I took this pretty seriously.  There was no need to rush into this like some do.  I didn't want to be seen as someone who just picked up a camera and started a business.  Photography was a hobby for awhile until I decided to start taking it to the next level.  Once I did decide to go into business, it was tricky because I knew nothing about running a business.  I had to pave the way for myself and there were a few things I wish I had done before I took the leap.  First, I wish I had found Sage Wedding Pros blog at the beginning of my journey. They have so many business resources for small creative business owners.  They break down business tasks in a way I understand.  Like starting a business plan (and why it's important), accounting 101, business branding and so much more.  My business light bulb went off for the first time. I was no longer confused or frustrated, but instead grew excitement about the future of my business.

What other businesswomen do you look up to? 
Jasmine Star - Owner of Jasmine Star Photography, for being a rock star photographer and for growing such a successful photography business so quickly.  She's so knowledgeable and open about photography and running her business.  She runs several photography workshops and is a sought out speaker.

Jessica Cudzilo -- Owner of 503 Photography.  Jessica stays true to balance in her life.  I admire her honesty and soulful writing on her blog.  She has a passion for teaching and recently opened some online photography workshops for kids in addition to her adult classes. 

Jeni Britton Bauer -- Owner of Jeni's Ice Cream.  Jeni has found a unique niche, not only in Columbus, but in the national market.  She's a game changer and created a product that's new and unique in a market that's been around forever.  I just love her style and branding and feel the excitment of her business whenever I'm in one of her shops.

Ree Dummond -- Author of the Pioneerwoman Blog.  This stay at home rancher's wife has turned blogging into a successful (and profitable) business, all while totally being her witty self.  She now has a cookbook and her love story is published. 

What advice do you have for other entrepreneurs-to-be? 
Get your ducks in a row before you open the doors.  There is no rush to start a business.  Make sure you have a business plan, accounting system & branding thought out before you launch.  Obviously, that's in an ideal world, I know many of us get started by just doing things for friends and it grows from there.

Also, a valuable piece of advice I've learned recently and want to share: stop trying to be perfect.  In the process of growing my business, it became obvious that I wanted everything to be perfect.  I didn't want to make any mistakes and realized it was paralyzing my ability to make decisions.  I couldn't make any decisions because there were so many choices and I didn't want to go in the wrong direction.  I've finally realized that you have to be decisive in order to move forward, even if the results are less than ideal.  You learn and grown from these experiences.  When I read 
this, it hit home at a point that I was not able to move forward with my brand + business: Stop Trying to Be Perfect Article 

If you could splurge on any one item right now what would it be?
Frye Boots!  These or these.  They have been on my wish list for a while now.  I've heard their worth the money and last forever. I'm soooo good at talking myself into these things. 

Thanks again to Jenny doing this interview! If you're in the Columbus area and need a photographer, I HIGHLY recommend her! Did I mention she's a blogger!? 

It should be noted that my goal is do a lifestyle shoot this year with Jenny for our 2011 holiday card complete with, as Jenny puts it, "hair, makeup, props". How fun does that sound; images of Kate Spade ads are floating in my little imagination right now!!! All I have to do is convince Mr. Frankel that photo sessions are fun. 

To close out this post, here are some of my favorite photos that Jenny has taken for us! 




  1. My favorites as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Found you via Ten June! I'm your newest follower!

  3. I just found your blog! Love it.
    I can't wait to read more.

  4. Kelly, I love this new series! You are doing such a great job with the blog! xx

  5. I love the blog! Thanks again for interviewing me! I'm excited to read your future interviews! Hope to see you soon!

  6. I recently purchased the Frye Jane 14 and I'm in LOVE I'm so glad I splurged and got them!
