Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Right Lamp; Wrong Time

I've mentioned before that I love the Hollywood Regency decor style. I'm always on the look-out for accessories that can add a little "glam" to our home. 

These chrome ball lamps have been on my "watch" list for a while now:
via here

via here

Source Unknown (help!)

Also unknown!

I found this guy on Etsy over the weekend:

It's perfect! I just can't justify the price right now. Here's the link in case you'd like to give this lamp a good home (sniff sniff). 

Happy Shopping!




  1. My parents had a pair of these very lamps in my home growing up...and they still have them to this day! It's only recently that I have realized how very chic they really are! What a fab round up, and a great find (oh well, there will be others!) Great blog too btw!:)

  2. It is beautiful, but I am sure you can maybe find some at Home Goods or TJ Maxx.

  3. That lamp is so perfect!!! Don't you hate when you find exactly what you want and then the darn price gets in the way??
