Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Books As Side Tables

via here 

via here 

via here

I've seen this done time and time again, but I never tire of stacked books! Beautiful, aren't they? I would love to make a side table using all of mine; I probably have enough to make one, but I'd end up with empty bookshelves and coffee tables as a result. Could be worth it- we shall see.

 I have a feeling that if I seriously want to do this, now is the time.  I envision little toddlers seeing a stack of books as a tower that must be conquered (i.e. destroyed). I could be wrong; I'm no one's mom, but if I were two feet tall stacked books would be pretty appealing and fair game if you ask me! Thoughts?!




  1. I love this look so much, we don't have side tables yet, but I have a lamp I've been dying to display. I will have to try this! And I agree, probably better to get it done now, before kids!

  2. That is such a great idea, it looks nice:)

  3. Stacks of beautiful books just never go out of style. So chic!

  4. Love this idea, but you're so right about 2 things...what to do about the empty bookshelves and best to do before kids! I say go for it...fun project!

  5. lol, yes now is the time! I adore this look, but with three children here, its just not happening!
