Monday, January 31, 2011

Lighting Tour

I decided to post some photos of the lighting on our first floor. Aside from one light, we've replaced all of the fixtures on the first floor since moving in! I'm happy with most of our purchases, but of course I've changed my mind on some others... 

Entryway via Garage:
Outdoor Lantern from CSN; Very happy with this purchase! 

1/2 Bath:
Sconces from Lowes: I believe theses were $19.99 for both. I'm not sure what I was thinking!!!! 

If we're in this house long enough, I'd like to replace them with something like this:
via here

Or this: 
via here

Above Our Kitchen Table:
From The Great Indoors. I absolutely LOVE this light. Still. 

Above Our Island:
Also from Great Indoors. I'm not quite as happy with this one. I think the buying decision had something to do with me spending way too much on the light above the kitchen table, so I had to find a really inexpensive one to keep Mr. Frankel at bay. 

They don't look bad together though:

If I were to redo another kitchen right now, I'd go for something like this:

Two of these above the island:

via here 

And something like this above the kitchen table: 
via here

 In our Living Room:
From Home Depot; we used gift cards to buy it. I really don't like this light anymore. It's fine by itself, but I'm just not happy with it in this room. 

I'd love to replace it with something like this:
via here 

 In our Dining Room:
This is the only light that we haven't changed. I believe Christopher's parents spray painted it before I moved in. I actually really like this light, but if I were to ever replace it I might go with something like these:

via here 

via here

In our Family Room:
From the Great Indoors. Is it just me, or is it really hard to find decent- looking fans?! I like this one a lot, but I do wish we had put recessed lights in this room when we were dry walling. The three little lights on that fan try their best, but they simply don't add enough light to the room! Over time I plan to add a few lamps instead! 

I still haven't finalized my decision for our office, and you probably remember the new light in our entry:

There you have it: the lighting on the first floor of 1551. The only thing I left out was our laundry room; it's too terrifying to post on Monday morning!!! 




  1. Hey what's the color on your walls in your living room?

  2. Oh I LOVE your chandelier ideas for over the dining room table. Also love the bathroom sconce ideas...great inspiration!! :)

  3. Amanda-

    It's Clamshell by Pittsburgh Paints!

  4. Those lighting fixtures look great, Kelly! Especially the one on your garage. Its dim light is a perfect match against the darkness of your entryway. But I think it would be better if you used an LED, as it is more efficient and long-lasting than the other light bulbs.
