Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Ari and Antonia: Do You Mind if I Move In????

Nate Berkus featured the apartment transformations of Ari and Antonia on a recent episode. I absolutely love both of their digs. *"Digs" is not a word that I would ever use in my normal vocabulary; I'm not sure what's come over me. 

Anyways, check out these beautiful spaces (all photos via here and here):


AHHHH!!! I finally found the owner of this AMAZING bathroom that I first mentioned here. I'm dying. I'm writing Ari one of my typical, socially-awkward letters and asking him if I can come visit!!!  


I adore both of these spaces; they have an eclectic, layered-over-time vibe that I love (sounds like something Nate would say)! 




  1. So gorgeous! I love them both. I don't know which one more..

  2. Beautiful spaces, I love that window seat in the first one.

  3. Gosh, I am such a sucker for pops of animal print around the house. They've done a great job at that, haven't they?

  4. Yeah, so while you're writting your letter, can you ask if I can come, too??? Of course I might be a terrible house guest since I may or may not steal those fabulous greek key towels out of the bathroom...Do you think that would be bad manners??? lol (c:
    Btw, pop on over and get in on my giveaway! It ends tomorrow...

  5. Those are both beautiful spaces!

  6. Okay, me again...I was trying to find a way to email ya...I'm going to be doing my series on how you make your home your own end of Feb and I would love it if you would come and guest post...let me know if you would like to! Thanks! (c:
