Tuesday, February 14, 2012

29 must-Haves for 29 Days: Day 14

Happy Valentine's day! Are you doing anything fun to celebrate? Mr. Frankel's class is cancelled tonight, so we'll be *trying* to go out to dinner. Our back-up plan is to get Indian take-out. I may or may not be secretly hoping that we have to resort to our back-up plan...

I mentioned yesterday that we're really close to purchasing a new sofa for our family room. We've been shuffling things around a bit in our home; this house is nearly exactly the same size as our previous house, but the furniture fits SO differently! 

You can see our current family room here. The table we currently have in our family room takes up a LOT of space. We're planning to move it to the basement as a card/craft table and desk. I'm still not sure that we even have room for a smaller table in the room once the new sofa moves in, but if we do have room, I'm definitely opting for either the Ikea or the CB2 white pedestal table. 

Here's what I'm thinking for our family room. 

Media Console (we already have this)
Seagrass Chairs (we already have these)
Boxwood Ball (we already have this)
Lamp (we have one very similar to this)
Mirror (We have one very similar to this)

Here is the Ikea version in action: 

1.  2.   3.  4. 

That's all I've got today. I'm off to smooch my valentine. 

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